Sustainable stay

Green Key certificate
We are a Green Key certified accommodation and are committed to building sustainable tourism. Our operations are characterized by e. g. resource efficiency by saving water and energy consumption, reducing and recycling waste, using eco-labelled detergents and papers, and enabling customers to move around ecologically and go on nature tourism. Read more about the Green Key program.
Healthy log building
The igloos are crafted from Lappish timber, a material that breathes, endures and is natural. It absorbs carbon dioxide; therefore, the carbon footprint of buildings is low. Log buildings never have dampness or mould issues. In addition, all radon gas produced from natural soils and protection from such have been considered during the construction of the igloos. The air inside the igloo is fresh and healthy.
Observing energy consumption as the basis for sustainable operation
We also make sure we are ecological with energy. The igloos are primarily heated using geothermal power. The solar panels on the igloo roof capture solar energy, with each igloo fitted with an air heat pump giving heat in the winter and coolness in the summer, which also reduces consumption. The electricity we use is ecological, green electricity.
We save on washing – not on hygiene
We use environmentally friendly and environmentally labelled detergents and do not wash clothes, towels and bed linen that have not been used.
We also normally change your bed linen and towels after the fourth night. If you wish to change earlier, please make contact with the reception.
We save on water – not on cleanliness
Water is important to us all. We aim to make it easy for you to use less water without it diminishing your experience and comfort. We have water-saving showers, taps and toilets, so that both you as a guest and we as an establishment save water.
When using the dishwasher please use eco-program and follow the instructed dosage of detergent.
Recycling and ecological materials
Recycling is a natural part of our service concept. By selecting ecological materials and supplies and avoiding over-packaging, we uphold our love of Lapland’s nature. We also collect bio-waste in our composter.
Perfect location
When staying with us, you can also survive without a car, because the Pyhätunturi hiking trails, ski trails and the ski centre can be reached practically directly from our accommodation. The nearest grocery store, several restaurants and Visitor Centre Naava are about 600 meters away.